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Law Notes

Choose from our range of Law Notes and revision materials, all prepared by top students during their studies.*






15 yrs

In Business
Griffith University Law Bundle 2013 Notes
1,030 total pages
3 purchased

Australian Legal Foundations, Contract, Equity, Intentional Torts, Lega...

Monash University Law Bundle 2012 Notes
454 total pages
3 purchased

Constitutional Law, Property Law, and Torts Law...

Monash University Law Bundle 2016 Notes
496 total pages
3 purchased

Constitutional Law, International Law, Property A, Property B, Torts A,...

University Of New South Wales Law Bundle 2012 Notes
2,708 total pages
2 purchased

Administrative Law, Business Associations 1, Contracts 2, Federal Const...

University Of New South Wales Law Bundle 2012 - Author-1 Notes
878 total pages
1 purchased

Business Associations I, Competition Law, Contract Law, Family Law, Pub...

University Of New South Wales Law Bundle 2013 Notes
1,332 total pages

Business Associations, Family Law, Foundations of Intellectual Property...

University Of Sydney Law Bundle 2013 Notes
988 total pages
30 purchased

Civil Procedure, Contract and Torts II, Contract Law I, Criminal Law, C...

Administrative Law Notes
60 total pages
10 purchased

Thorough exam notes for Administrative Law....

Administrative Law Notes
368 total pages
9 purchased

A 197 page summarised bible of administrative law notes including de...

Administrative Law Notes
34 total pages
11 purchased

Here you will find summarised administrative law notes for the entir...

Administrative Law Notes
58 total pages
6 purchased

These notes are set out to make it as easy as possible to answer exa...

Australian Legal Foundations Notes
110 total pages
3 purchased

Australian Legal Foundations deal with the development of the legal ...

Brain Storm For Administrative Law Exam Notes
15 total pages
1 purchased

This is a simple bulletin for Administrative Law (LAWS5010 & LAWS201...

Brain Storm For Federal Constitutional Law Exam Notes
21 total pages
5 purchased

This is a simple bulletin for Federal Constitutional Law (LAWS5011 &...

Business Associations Notes
289 total pages
14 purchased

These are comprehensive yet succinct notes. They set out the relevan...

Business Associations 1 Notes
387 total pages
4 purchased

A 243 page bible of cases and materials summaries. Includes all extr...

Business Associations I Notes
213 total pages
3 purchased

This is regarded as one of the most difficult core subjects for Law....

Civil Procedure Notes
118 total pages
18 purchased

Highly structured documents, including the prescribed reading (both ...

Civil Procedure Notes
42 total pages
7 purchased

Here you will find summarised civil procedure law notes for the enti...

Competition Law Notes
152 total pages
28 purchased

Very comprehensive notes with a table of contents. This subject has ...

Constitutional Law Notes
15 total pages
3 purchased

Here you will find summarised constitutional law notes based on the ...

Constitutional Law Notes
121 total pages
42 purchased

These notes were used to achieve a High Distinction in Constitutiona...

Contract Notes
300 total pages
6 purchased

Contract I notes discuss, in detail, the components behind the forma...

Contract and Torts II Notes
138 total pages
27 purchased

Highly structured documents, with colour coding, updated to include ...

Contract Law Notes
223 total pages
26 purchased

These contract law notes are very comprehensive and come complete wi...

Contract Law I Notes
59 total pages
13 purchased

Highly structured documents, with colour coding, updated to include ...

Contracts 2 Notes
189 total pages
12 purchased

Detailed notes (primarily case notes) on the topics of Incorporation...

Contracts (JURD7175/LAWS1075) Notes
56 total pages
2 purchased

These JURD7175 notes have been presented in a clear, precise and mod...

Corporations Law Notes
79 total pages
26 purchased

Here you will find summarised Corporations Law notes for the Monash ...

Crime and the Criminal Process (JURD7121/JURD1021) Notes
56 total pages
5 purchased

These offence tables are essential for the problem question aspect o...

Criminal Law Notes
115 total pages
19 purchased

Highly structured documents, with colour coding, updated to include ...

Criminal Law: Brainstorming Charts Notes
14 total pages
14 purchased

Compared with other subjects of law, criminal law is a little comple...

Criminal Laws (JURD7122/1022) Notes
86 total pages
5 purchased

These offence tables are essential for the problem question aspect o...

Criminal Procedural Law Notes
70 total pages
3 purchased

Highly structured documents, with colour coding, updated to inclu...

Criminal Procedural Law-1 Notes
70 total pages
3 purchased

Highly structured documents, with colour coding, updated to inclu...

Employment Law Notes
74 total pages
14 purchased

Here you will find summarised employment law notes for the entire Mo...

Equity Notes
94 total pages
1 purchased

These notes discuss equitable rights and assignments as well as fidu...

Equity and Trusts Notes
74 total pages
5 purchased

These notes are designed to make it easy for you to answer problem q...

Ethics Notes
97 total pages
17 purchased

Here you will find summarised ethics law notes for the entire Monash...

Evidence and Criminal Procedure Notes
60 total pages
25 purchased

The notes are written in a way that makes the exam stress free. I fi...

Evidence Law Notes
86 total pages
20 purchased

Here you will find summarised evidence procedure law notes for the e...

Extremely Detailed Federal Constitutional Law Notes
118 total pages
14 purchased

These notes follow the outline completely, very detailed, including ...

Family Law Notes
97 total pages
5 purchased

These notes are very comprehensive and come with a table of contents...

Family Law Notes
197 total pages
3 purchased

These are comprehensive yet succinct notes. They set out the relevan...

Federal Constitutional Law Notes
408 total pages
48 purchased

Cases and materials summary notes based on Blackshield & Williams Co...

Foundations of Intellectual Property Notes
187 total pages
11 purchased

These notes set out the relevant legal principles, and provide succi...

Foundations of Law Notes
41 total pages
1 purchased

These are very comprehensive and easy to understand notes....

Intellectual Property 1 (Copyright) Notes
262 total pages
9 purchased

Detailed cases and materials summary which were instrumental in secu...

Intellectual Property 2 (Trade Marks) Notes
218 total pages
5 purchased

Detailed cases and materials and supplementary textbook reading summ...

Intentional Torts Notes
320 total pages
12 purchased

Intentional Torts deal with trespasses to person, land and goods, as...

International Law Notes
121 total pages
38 purchased

These exam notes were used to achieve a High Distinction in Internat...

Introduction to Property and Commercial Law (Revision Notes) Notes
43 total pages
4 purchased

This is a notes designed especially for the final open book exam. It...

LAWS1021 - Criminal Law - Crime and the Criminal Process Notes
43 total pages

For this module, my lecturer was the course convener who has such a ...

LAWS1052 - Introduction to Law and Justice (ILJ) Notes
47 total pages
1 purchased

The complete notes for ILJ. These notes tackle all the finer details...

LAWS1075 - Contract Law Notes
46 total pages

These notes have been taken continuously throughout the year, encomp...

Legal Theory Notes
38 total pages
3 purchased

Legal Theory discusses the foundation theories underpinning the lega...

Litigation 2 - Evidence Law Notes
259 total pages
6 purchased

These are comprehensive yet succinct notes. They set out the relevan...

Litigation - Civil Procedure Notes
162 total pages
9 purchased

These notes aim to set out the relevant legal principles, and materi...

Litigation - Criminal Procedure Rules Notes
238 total pages
2 purchased

These notes aim to set out the relevant legal principles, and materi...

Misleading Conduct and Economic Torts Notes
39 total pages

These notes are brilliant for test preparation. All material is refe...

Principles of Criminal Law Notes
149 total pages
6 purchased

These notes discuss the foundations and principles of Criminal Law i...

Property A Notes
82 total pages
15 purchased

These notes were used to achieve a High Distinction in Property A at...

Property and Equity 2 Notes
262 total pages
14 purchased

UNSW Property and Equity 2 notes. Includes detailed case and materia...

Property B Notes
56 total pages
13 purchased

These exam notes were used to achieve a High Distinction in Property...

Property, Equity and Trusts 1 Notes
320 total pages
12 purchased

The old Property, Equity & Trusts subject at UNSW. Dealt primarily w...

Property Law Notes
41 total pages
13 purchased

Here you will find summarised property law notes for the entire Mona...

Public International Law (Detailed Version) Notes
103 total pages
25 purchased

Highly structured documents, with colour coding, updated to include ...

Public International Law (Revision Version) Notes
60 total pages
10 purchased

This is a revision version of public international law notes, which ...

Public Law Notes
72 total pages
2 purchased

These are comprehensive notes. The case law for this subject has not...

Public Law (Detailed Notes) Notes
104 total pages
16 purchased

Highly structured documents, with colour coding, updated to include ...

Public Law (Revision Version) Notes
42 total pages
3 purchased

This is a revision version of public law notes, which contains all t...

Revision Notes For Administrative Law Notes
39 total pages
6 purchased

This is a notes designed especially for the final open book exam. It...

Revision Notes For Federal Constitutional Law Notes
39 total pages
6 purchased

This is a notes designed especially for the final open book exam. It...

Securities and Financial Services Regulation Notes
294 total pages
2 purchased

A 204 page bible of detailed cases and materials summaries, super su...

Tort I (Intentional & Negligence) Notes
95 total pages
23 purchased

Highly structured documents, with colour coding, updated to include ...

Tort Law Notes
69 total pages
1 purchased

Okay, so I study by grabbing information from lectures, textbooks, s...

Torts A Notes
74 total pages
9 purchased

These exam notes were used to achieve a High Distinction in Torts A ...

Torts B Notes
42 total pages
8 purchased

These exam problem notes were used to achieve a High Distinction in ...

Torts (JURD7161/LAWS1061) Notes
45 total pages
7 purchased

These JURD7161 notes are clear, precise and set out in a modern and ...

Torts Law Notes
398 total pages
28 purchased

Here you will find both extended and summarised torts law notes for ...

Torts Law Notes
121 total pages
9 purchased

These are comprehensive notes that include explanations from the lec...

Trusts Notes
168 total pages
9 purchased

These notes deal with the law in relation to trusts, incorporating t...

Trusts Notes
51 total pages
18 purchased

Here you will find summarised trust law notes for the entire Monash ...

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