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Griffith University Notes

Choose from our range of Griffith University Notes and revision materials, all prepared by top students during their studies.*






15 yrs

In Business
Griffith University Law Bundle 2013 Notes
1,030 total pages
3 purchased

Australian Legal Foundations, Contract, Equity, Intentional Torts, Lega...

Administrative Law Notes
60 total pages
10 purchased

Thorough exam notes for Administrative Law....

Australian Legal Foundations Notes
110 total pages
3 purchased

Australian Legal Foundations deal with the development of the legal ...

Contract Notes
300 total pages
6 purchased

Contract I notes discuss, in detail, the components behind the forma...

Equity Notes
94 total pages
1 purchased

These notes discuss equitable rights and assignments as well as fidu...

Intentional Torts Notes
320 total pages
12 purchased

Intentional Torts deal with trespasses to person, land and goods, as...

Legal Theory Notes
38 total pages
3 purchased

Legal Theory discusses the foundation theories underpinning the lega...

Principles of Criminal Law Notes
149 total pages
6 purchased

These notes discuss the foundations and principles of Criminal Law i...

Trusts Notes
168 total pages
9 purchased

These notes deal with the law in relation to trusts, incorporating t...

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