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Law Notes Property A Notes

Recognition Of New Forms Of Proprietary Interest Notes

Updated Recognition Of New Forms Of Proprietary Interest Notes

Property A Notes

Property A

Approximately 82 pages

These notes were used to achieve a High Distinction in Property A at Monash University, and include both policy and problem question notes. Be aware that at the time this exam was taken Property A was a closed book exam so these notes were used to study and memorise content. The notes cover all course content.

They include clear and easily usable exam problem structures including all relevant cases and legislation, as well as suggestions for likely policy subjects.

The notes are easily navi...

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Recognition of new forms of proprietary interest

Could be argued Blackburn J in Milirrpum demonstrated the pitfalls of looking for familiar incidents of property rather than asking whether the concept of PY was wide enough to protect the plaintiff’s use and enjoyment of the tribal lands. HCA in Mabo established a concept of NT – by rejecting reliance on conventional CL features used to identify property.

Courts reluctant to recognise – about once a century get new prop interest.

Reason for caution – since the rights can be enforced against the world, we need to limit the categories of proprietary interest we will recognise or chaos/confusion will result. (Edgeworth: the Numerous Clauses Principle.

Factors taken into account in recognising new prop interests:

  • Subject of property

  • Object of property

  • Rights and entitlements that will attach to the object for the benefit of the subject

Tulk v Moxhay: restrictive covenants

See case note.

Victoria Park Racing and Recreation Grounds Co Ltd v Taylor (1937): property in a spectacle rejected

See case note.

  • The interference with profit of business is not a property right

  • The interference was not with land but with profit

  • Just because you put money into a spectacle does not make it a property right

However, dissenting judgments indicated it may be a property right at some point.

ABC v Lenah Game Meats (2002)

See case note.

Native title

Milirrpum v Nabalco

The existence of Native Title as a form of property right was declined by the judge due to it failing to meet the requirements (right to alienate, right to exclude).

Mabo v Queensland (No 2) (1992)

  • Inalienability no reason to deny ownership of land

  • NT can expire if people have lost their connection to the land

  • Its content depends on traditional laws and customs.

  • Inalienable to non-indigenous people who do not observe the laws and customs; alienable to others only if allowable under traditional law/customs.

  • Not all the accepted characteristics of proprietary interests must be present in every case of a new proprietary interest being recognised.

Recognition of new rights at current

Note the laws governing intangible things eg intellectual property rights is now almost exclusively governed by legislation.

Property rights in environmental goods/resources – eg can have proprietary rights in water. Courts are recognising new proprietary interests here.

Property in the human body

Re Edwards: introduces some of the things the court will take into account in deciding if you can have a proprietary right in the human body or parts thereof. Very controversial area.

Re Edwards [2011] NSWSC 478 (23 May 2011)

See case note.

  • Wife entitled to the sperm of her dead husband

  • See parts of case re Doodeward v Spencer: entitled to possession of a preserved baby’s body because of the exercise of work or skill applied to its preservation

  • Doctors and technicians had exercised work and skill to remove the sperm, BUT they had...

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