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Law Notes Property A Notes

Policy Notes

Updated Policy Notes

Property A Notes

Property A

Approximately 82 pages

These notes were used to achieve a High Distinction in Property A at Monash University, and include both policy and problem question notes. Be aware that at the time this exam was taken Property A was a closed book exam so these notes were used to study and memorise content. The notes cover all course content.

They include clear and easily usable exam problem structures including all relevant cases and legislation, as well as suggestions for likely policy subjects.

The notes are easily navi...

The following is a more accessible plain text extract of the PDF sample above, taken from our Property A Notes. Due to the challenges of extracting text from PDFs, it will have odd formatting:


Concept of property 4

Nature and essence of property 4

Hohfeld’s three conceptions of property 4

Felix Cohen article 4

Other notes 5

Justifications for and criticisms of private property 5

Property theories: Ziff’s Hierarchy 5

Justification theories (first order theories in Ziff’s hierarchy) 5

Characteristics of property (second order theory) 8

The characteristics 8

Milirrpum v Nabalco (1971): legal meaning of property, characteristics 8

Mabo v Queensland (No. 2) (1992) 9

Property rights differ from contractual rights 10

Subjects and objects of property 10

Recognition of new forms of proprietary interest 11

Tulk v Moxhay: restrictive covenants 11

Victoria Park Racing and Recreation Grounds Co Ltd v Taylor (1937): property in a spectacle rejected 11

ABC v Lenah Game Meats (2002) 11

Native title 11

Mabo v Queensland (No 2) (1992) 11

Recognition of new rights at current 12

Property in the human body 12

Constitutional protection of property rights 13

Vic CHRR 13

Title to land in Victoria 13

General law title 13

Torrens system title 14

Native title 14

Fragmentation of proprietary interests 15

Fragmentation by reference to time: doctrines of tenure and estate 16

Doctrine of Tenure 16

Doctrine of Estates 17

Fee simple estate (absolute and modified) 17

Life estate 19

The doctrine of waste 21

Fee tail estate 21

Fragmentation by reference to legal and equitable interests 22

Equitable interests 22

Trusts 22

How trusts arise 23

Expressly 23

By operation of equitable principles 23

Fragmentation by reference to time: leasehold estates 23

Definitions 23

Classification of leases 24

Fixed term 24

Periodic 24

Tenancy at will (quasi-leasehold estate) 24

Tenancy at sufferance (quasi-leasehold estate) 24

Characteristics of leases 25

Right to exclusive possession 25

Certainty of duration 25

Regulation of leases 25

Leasehold covenants 25

Express covenants 25

Covenants implied into particular leases by statute 25

Assignment of leases 25

Contractual licences 26

Bare licence 26

Contractual licence 26

Licence coupled with a grant 26

Leases vs contractual licences 27

Wrongful revocation of licences 27

POLICY Q: should contractual licences be a new type of property interest? 28

Servitudes 28

Easements 28

Definition 28

Positive and negative easements 28

Policy questions 28

Security interests 28

Types of security interest 29

Reasons for security interests in lending 30

Mortgages vs term contracts 30

General law mortgage 30

Torrens system mortgages 32

Differences between legal and equitable mortgages 32

General law 32

Torrens system 32

Clogs on the equity of redemption: 33

Unconscionability 33

Acquisition and transfer of proprietary interests: an overview 33

By transfer (from another who already has an interest) 33

By original acquisition 33

Insurance for equitable interests in land (between contract and settlement) 34

Possible policy question 34

Creation of leasehold interests 34

Is an agreement for a lease as good as a lease? 34

Possession and adverse possession 35

Principles of possessory title 35

Justifications for adverse possession 35

Policy issues 36

Limitation periods 37

Adverse possession and human rights 37

Concept of property

Nature and essence of property

Hohfeld’s three conceptions of property

  • A thing (object) in which rights are held

  • The rights a person (subject) has in relation to a thing (object)

  • The rights a person (subject) has over other persons in relation to a thing (object).

Felix Cohen article

F Cohen (374)

To the world:

Keep off X unless you have my permission, which I may grant or withhold.

Signed: Private citizen

Endorsed: The state

Notes: Any definition of property, to be useful, must reflect the fact that property merges by imperceptible degrees into government, contract, force and value’ (374) Cohen

Bentham Property and law are born together, and die together. Before laws were made there was no property; take away laws, and property ceases. (Quoted in F. Cohen 371)

F COHEN (374):

To the world: (slides)

Tax: the state enables you to have your property in the first place and then takes a fee for this.

From reading of article:

  • Property is not a collection of objects, but the relationship between people and those objects.

  • Private property is subject to limitations based on the rights of other individuals, therefore people do not generally have the right to do whatever it is they want with their property.

  • The institution of property may or may not involve external physical objects, but it always involves relationships between people.

  • Not only is there valueless property, but propertyless value. Property is not wealth (eg if there is no scarcity of an item, that item may cease to be property – eg air. But if there is a scarcity of air, air may be property that can be exchanged for consideration).

  • Productivity, certainty, enforceability and fairness may be considerations.

  • Private property may or may not involve a right to use something oneself. It may or may not involve a right to sell, but it will always involve a right to exclude others from doing something.

  • However a power to exclude will not always involve a property right. The kind of power to exclude that is essential to property rights is the power when you can count upon the state to assist you to enforce your rights (ie there is a predictable action the state will take – “established expectations” per Bentham. Property is a function of government and sovereignty.

  • In conclusion: “private property is a relationship among human beings such that the so-called owner can exclude others from certain activities or permit others to engage in those activities and in either case secure the assistance of the law in carrying out his decision.” (Note that the word “exclude” in relation to property relates to the WHOLE WORLD).

Other notes

  • Property is a bundle of rights (eg more than one person may hold rights, or one person may hold many rights)

  • Different societies have different systems

    • Private property –individual...

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