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* *
* At common law, parties are bound to agreements if the elements of
contractual formation are established.
'Historically, courts have exercised jurisdiction to set aside contracts and
other dealings on a variety of equitable grounds. They include fraud,
misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, undue influence and
unconscionable conduct
They all constitute species of unconscionable conduct on the part of a
party who stands to receive a benefit under a transaction which, in the
eye of equity, cannot be enforced because to do so would be inconsistent
with equity and good conscience.'
o Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd v Amadio (1983) 151 CLR 447, 461 per Mason J
What is misrepresentation?
* Liability is imposed at common law for false statements made in pre--
contractual negotiations. * The contract may be set aside if one party (the representor) induced the
other party (the representee) to enter into the contract by making a false
statement of fact. * Misrepresentation has become less significant over time, because of
related statutory causes of action
o (especially, Australian Consumer Law s 18 (formerly, the Trade
Practices Act 1974 (Cth), s 52).
Types of misrepresentation:
1. Innocent
2. Fraudulent
3. Negligent
* The only contractual remedy for misrepresentation is recession * Damages are available in tort for culpable misrepresentation
o Negligent or fraudulent
Elements of misrepresentation:
1. A false statement of fact
2. Made by the representor to the representee
3. Which was made with the intention of inducing the representee to enter
into a contract with the representor and which did induce the
representee to enter into the contract
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