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Law Notes Legal Theory Notes

Feminist Legal Theory Notes

Updated Feminist Legal Theory Notes

Legal Theory Notes

Legal Theory

Approximately 38 pages

Legal Theory discusses the foundation theories underpinning the legal system. Such theories include feminism, marxism, liberalism and queer legal theory....

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FEMINIST LEGAL THEORY * * Liberal feminists (sameness), cultural feminists (differences), and radical feminists (subordination and dominance). 1st wave - liberal; 2nd wave - liberal, cultural and radical; 3rd wave - postmodern. Key concepts of FLT 1. Sexism exists in society, by privileging men and disadvantaging or subordinating women. 2. A belief that society is patriarchal; FLTs seek to analyse the contribution of law in constructing, maintaining, reinforcing and perpetuating patriarchy. 3. Recognition that there is no unified FLT. Liberal Feminism (sameness) * Equality for women and men is to be measured by a 'sameness' standard; the sameness standard considers liberalism's concerns with barriers to female's progression, e.g. political voice, voting, employment, property and education. * 'Equality' means an equality of opportunity. * Rights for women are to mirror the existing rights for men, e.g. there should be equal employment rights (but not necessarily equal employment in terms of numbers). * Legislative reform by itself can be an effective instrument. * Ideals: liberty, equality, rationality, autonomy, individuality, neutrality and impartiality. * Liberal rights: civil and political rights with a base in a 'negative' freedom from the state. * Assumptions: status quo is natural, un--coerced and good; that a universal standard of humanity exists. The Pornography Debate * Liberal FLTs lean to a pro--pornography position, depending on the degree of harm that they associate with pornography. * It exemplifies: free speech, constitutional protections' the free market, an individual subject's rights to self--determination and freedom, and the erotic, not the harmful. * Ronald Dworkin: an individual's right to distribute pornography trumps the utilitarian goal of improving society in aggregate by banning it.

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