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Administrative Law – Hypothetical Structure Notes

Updated Administrative Law – Hypothetical Structure Notes

Administrative Law Notes

Administrative Law

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Administrative Law – Hypothetical structure


  • Reasons – what further relevant information needs to be provided in relation to this decision?

  • Is content sufficient?


Under s13 ADJRA certain persons are entitled to apply to the DM for a stmt of reasons similar to s28 AAT Act.

A request for stmt of reasons must be made w/in 28 days of receipt of dec’n.

DM has 28 days from receiving request to provide stmt of reasons.

Cannot apply for stmt of reasons IF:

  • Person could not have applied for stmt of reasons under AAT Act; or

  • Dec’n complained of contained or was accompanied by stmt of reasons; or

  • Dec’n incl’d in classes of dec’ns in Sch 2 of ADJRA

Freedom Of Information:

  • Discuss what documents

  • Discuss possible exemptions – if any

  • Present submission on why exemption should/should not apply – if possible

Common law

  • No general principle that states reasons should be given for statutory decision: Osmond. Other available avenues more applicable because stmt of reasons granted at CL must be in public interest and if no ‘public element’ to dec’n, there won’t be enough to sustain CL grant: Sankey


Statutory right to reasons: this is set out in section x which requires (written notice of the decision) – incl’ing a stmt of reasons and reference to the [AAT] as an avenue of appeal: s13 ADJRA/ s32 JRA.

In the absence of other leg’ve provisions, [s25D AIA Cth/ s27B AIA Qld] states that the content of a stmt of reasons should consist of findings on material questions of fact, and refer to the evidence or other material on which those findings were based. As there were insufficiencies, the applicant could ask for proper reasons to be provided which fully explain the findings of:

  • [Material fact]

  • [Refer to evidence/other materials in depth]

In Soldatow, reasons for a dec’n are necessary to determine whether or not a dec’n has been properly made.

As adequate reasons were not provided, the merits review system will provide for a stmt of reasons.

Statement of reasons:

Do exceptions apply?

  • Cth – Schedule 1 – s3(1)(d) ADJRA

  • Qld – Schedule 2 – s18 JRA

What is required of statement of reasons?

  • Time limits – 28 days

  • In writing to DM

  • DM has 28 days from date of receiving request to provide reasons

  • Is DM precluded from providing a Stmt of reasons under the empowering act?

  • If so, applicant can go to FC or Fed Mag Court (ADJRA) or Qld Supreme Court (JRA) and AAT under AATA to get reasons or resolve why reasons not provided.

If can use s28 AAT obliged to use it over s13 ADJRA. Under s28 AAT Act, applicant affected by dec’n may obtain reasons for the dec’n. s25 states dec’ns covered by Act confer on AAT a review power and s28 states that DM must provide reasons if reasons are requested.

Based on these findings, the applicant should ask for reasons to be provided that set out the findings on material Qs of fact and refer to the evidence or other material on which those findings were based: s13(1) ADJRA.


What argument/s might be made on these facts?

Part 1 – Key elements of merits scheme

  • Accessibility and standing?

  • What can it achieve?

Part 2 – Submissions to be made in merits review

The DMs dec’n is infected with errors:

  • Discretion: any submission to get a favourable exercise of discretion

  • Facts: any new facts, or avenues to explore to find new facts

  • Law: can have an opinion as to the law here, but should note legal submission will be the same as submissions made in JR section

Q of Law: meaning of provision

  • Interpretation: [applicant] appears to satisfy the thresholds of [particular terms in legislation]. Describe each term and the incorrect interpretation of it eg error in wrong interpretation of ‘sufficient reason’.

  • Application of facts to the law: “Failure by DM to take [applicant’s] reasons for …..”; “failure to take into account employer’s stmts that are irrelevant when another relevant ‘sufficient reason’ is available”.

  • Policy matters: Drake no 2 sets out std for considering policy – need to indep’ly assess applying policy and not apply it blindly and consider Justice Brennan factors. Look for inconsistencies b/t policy and legislation provision

Q of Fact: relevant facts

  • DM should have sought facts relevant to provision threshold and therefore sought facts about applicant’s ……

Q of Discretion: choice and weight of evidence

  • Here, ‘opinion’, ‘may’, ‘ought’ so requiring DM to choose b/t competing ‘facts’ (Swift – the weight to be attributed to facts w/in bounds of legitimate facts). Should give greater weight to …. And should not give weight to …..

Advise client of likelihood or desirability of MR

Merits review bodies

Tribunals and the like

Ombudsman and the like – use if MR not available. Ombudsman may refuse as there are time limits and no established access to MR.


What are the prospects of bringing a judicial review application in relation to this decision?

Two parts:

  • Part 1 = CL and Statutory avenues

  • Part 2 = Standing

Part 1 - Access to judicial review (including privative clauses – if any)

The test is whether an institution is subject to JR is whether it exercises ‘public’ power. If a decision of a body clearly expresses power conferred by statute, it can be reviewed. The general availability of statutory review has not replaced ‘common law’ review powers of the court. As they run parallel, both can simultaneously be brought to the courts.

Time limits state that the applicant can allow leave of court to bring an application OUTSIDE of 28 days.



    • Public character?

      • Chapmans v ASE

      • R v Panel on Takeovers and Mergers; Ex parte Datafin

    • Justiciable? – Ditford case = whether court will examine

Examples of these areas are:

  • Defence of the realm

  • Mercy for prisoners

  • Grants of honours

  • Dissolution of parliament

  • Appointment of ministers.

As civil servants worked in national security and related to defence: NOT justiciable: CCSU v Minister for civil service.

Church of...

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